Hosting, Classes, Retreats, Workshops ,Speaking @Conferences, Collaborating with Social-Media Personnel and working with for profit and 501c3s | you can find Franklin around the globe co-hosting wellbeing and yoga retreats, leading workshops , participating on panels at social events , professionally speaking at conferences, collaborating with various charity and social media personnel around the world.
Yoga Sessions | Fit programs | food forums | Meditation | Relaxation | Emotional Intelligence | Podcasts - Interviews | Lifestyle Merch - Brands | Access - Event Invites | F.I.T. CLUB MEMBERS | Enjoy Guided Meditations Event & Nightlife Invites Fun Recipes - Eat Well Yoga - Meditation Fitness Work Out Plans Promos - Passes - Perks - Deals WORK-WELL: WORKPLACE | WORKSHOPS | CONFERENCES SEMINARS SPECIAL EVENTS | LUNCH & LEARNS |